As a key step to roll out our vision for Green Ducklings 2.0, we are happy to welcome Frederik Greve to the team at Green Ducklings as Consultant.
Frederik is returning to Denmark! Leveraging two years with the Trade Council at the Danish Embassy in Oslo, he brings strong experience within project development, customer relations and stakeholder management and has taken an active role in advising Danish companies within renewables, offshore wind, and P2X.
Some of his key contributions from previous engagements are:
- Sales and business development excellence
- Go-to-market strategies including internationalization and sector analysis
- Stakeholder analysis and engagement
- Government public affairs management
At Green Ducklings Frederik will support delivery of client engagements and support in the frontline with sales and business development.
The mission remains unchanged; to help improve any company’s odds for success in offshore wind! As part of the expansion mandate granted to us under ownership of Integrated Wind Solutions AS, we are constantly on the outlook for offshore wind talents to help support our clients with their offshore wind strategies and Black2Green transformations.
A sincere welcome to the team, Frederik!